Online Role Play

Assess Your Candidates' Competencies Behavioral Dimension!

What is Online Role Play?

HRPeak Online Role Play is a Virtual Assessment Center tool in which candidates play a role in a sample scenario that includes possible events they may encounter in the business world, within the time given to them and gives chance to assess many competencies such as effective feedback, change management, integrity, coaching and mentoring.
With HRPeak Online Role Play, you can assess your candidates based on their behavior to possible cases in the business world, as well as learn about your candidates' functional and managerial competency levels. With the Reaction to Reaction (R2R) feature, you can also measure the stress management competencies of your candidates through the system's response to them.

Why HRPeak Online Role Play

Let the System Respond, You Assess!

With the R2R feature, you can assess the stress management competency by watching how the candidate manages the situation that arises when the system reacts and how s/he maintains her/his emotional resilience.
You can objectively assess the performed Role Play exercises with detailed assessment guides and be a one-on-one assessor of your recruitment processes by watching the videos recorded wherever and whenever you choose.

Online Role Play Features

Find the Most Appropriate Candidate with Advanced Assessment!

Role Play is applied online and can be controlled, assessed, and concluded by the assessor through the system.

During the Role Play preparation process, security control can be provided by taking photos and videos at certain intervals.

The personal information of your candidates and the photos taken during the preparation of the Role Play exercise are stored in the system in accordance with GDPR / KVKK.

Instant technical support is provided to your candidates throughout the process.

How to Use HRPeak Online Role Play

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