
Job Postings and Interview Questions Entrusted to Peeky!

What is the Artificial Intelligence Assistant Peeky?

With HRPeak's specially designed artificial intelligence assistant for users of the Application Tracking System, publishing job postings and creating interview questions is now more practical and enjoyable. Experience the convenience of publishing job postings and creating interview questions using Peeky, leveraging the latest trend in artificial intelligence technology.

Creating Job Postings and Interview Questions with Peeky

With the integration of artificial intelligence, you can define the qualifications needed for the position to create a job posting. You can determine a style for the target audience by choosing the language and tone. Choose from various tones such as natural, sincere, professional, official, exciting, etc., and present a spot-on text to your candidates. You can edit and customize the text created by Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to Peeky, you can translate the texts directly into English within the system with a single click using artificial intelligence technology and publish them instantly.

Interview questions can be automatically generated with the artificial intelligence assistant Peeky using the job posting created for the position as a reference. Save time and resources in your processes by preparing suitable questions for the position with a single click.

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