General Aptitude Tests

General Aptitude Tests with Substantial Question Bank!

What is HRPeak Aptitude Test?

HRPeak Aptitude Tests are online assessment tools that allow you to systematically measure your candidates' competencies, particularly in problem solving and analytical thinking.
With HRPeak Aptitude Tests, you can evaluate your candidates in four dimensions as Analytical, Verbal, Abstract Reasoning and Data Interpretation and thusly you can match your candidates with the most suitable positions according to their competencies.

Why HRPeak Aptitude Tests

Measure Your Candidates' Mental Skills!

With HRPeak Aptitude Tests, you can assess your candidates' suitability to the positions in a short time by measuring their mental skills and then meet them to the most suitable positions.
Aptitude tests, created with questions at different levels of difficulty, help to determine your candidates' Digital, Verbal, Abstract Comprehension and Table & Graph Reading competencies and perform the most appropriate recruitment based on candidates' results.

General Aptitude Tests Features

The questions, whose difficulty and dimensions are determined separately, are applied randomly so that each candidate meets different sets of questions.

During the test, up to 100 photos and videos can be taken at certain intervals to ensure safety control. If there is more than one person on the camera, the system marks the test as a suspect.

With live candidate support, immediate technical support can be provided to your candidates throughout the process.

All test results and candidates' answers are instantly reflected in the system. Candidates can be viewed comparatively, sorted and their results can be exported to Excel.

General and company distributions of the results of gamification can be viewed instantly.

How Does HRPeak Aptitude Test Work


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