Online Project

Assess Your Candidates' Technical Knowledge and Skills in Digital Environment!!

What is HRPeak Online Project?

HRPeak Online Project is a Virtual Assessment Center tool that is mostly used in areas requiring technical knowledge, applied to candidates or current employees, and reveals whether the candidates have the technical knowledge and skills required for the position.
With the HRPeak Online Project, you can direct a project to your candidates on any topic you choose, specify criteria, duration, and assess your candidates with their studies.

Neden HRPeak Online Project

Simplify Your Processes with a Comprehensive and Easy Interface!

With the system interface that is comprehensive and user-friendly, you can manage your processes more easily, use footnotes and instruction fields easily, share the resources you want your candidates to use during the preparation process, and predetermine the format of the project files to be uploaded to the system.
You can reduce the stress factor that your candidates are exposed to in traditional methods and provide suitable conditions for your candidates to reveal their full potential.

Online Project Features

Select the Most Appropriate Candidate, Assessing Projects!

Project is applied online and can be controlled, assessed, and concluded by the assessor through the system.

The personal information of your candidates is stored in the system in accordance with GDPR / KVKK.

Instant technical support is provided to your candidates throughout the process.

How to Use HRPeak Online Project

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