Exam Builder

Create or Modify Your Exams!

What is HRPeak Exam Builder Module?

HRPeak Exam Builder Module is an online assessment tool that allows companies to specify the tests they use in their recruitment processes and create current tests as they see fit.

By using the Exam Builder Module, you may categorize and select the degree of difficulty levels of the questions by including various text and image-based questions such as multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank.

Why HRPeak Exam Builder Module

Get rid of Papers, Digitize Your Tests!

Many advanced test design features of HRPeak Exam Builder Module, such as segmentation, time limits, random question selection, booklet generation, and adaptive test preparation, may be used to create online exams. You may digitize your processes by getting rid of paper.

With the Exam Builder Module, you can easily take control of your assessment processes by presenting your original exams online.

Exam Builder Features

Prepare Original Exams, Move Your Experience to the Digital Environment!

HRPeak question bank with hundreds of questions can be integrated with the Exam Builder Module.

The personal information of the candidates is stored in the system in compliance with GDPR / KVKK.

With Live Support, rapid technical support to the candidates throughout the process is provided.

The Exam Builder Module is administered online, and the recruiter may monitor, assess, and conclude the process through the system.

How to use HRPeak Exam Builder

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