Online Presentation

Assess Your Candidate’s Knowledge, Skills and Competencies at the Same Time

What is HRPeak Online Presentation?

HRPeak Online Presentation is a Virtual Assessment Center tool that is widely used in many assessment processes from recruitment to talent management and allows assessing the presentation and persuasive skills of candidates depending on the presentation subject.
With HRPeak Online Presentation, you can learn about your candidates' presentation skills by assessing language and expression, content, visual, body language and sound dimensions.

Why HRPeak Online Presentation

Diversify Your Topics with the Large Presentation Library!

You can select the most suitable topic for your assessment from the large presentation library which is categorized under three main headings: General, English, and Position-Based, or you can set your own presentation topics inspired by the given topics. You can provide comprehensive assessment processes to your candidates by using HRPeak Online Presentation tool.
You can assess your candidates' knowledge, self-expression competencies, and presentation skills in the most objective way by directing to them one of the hundreds of topics available in the presentation library.

Online Presentation Features

Assess Presentation Skills Comprehensively, Choose the Most Appropriate Candidate!

Presentation is applied online and can be controlled, assessed, and concluded by the assessor through the system.

Security control can be provided by taking photos and videos at certain intervals.

The personal information of your candidates and the photos taken during the preparation time are stored in the system in accordance with GDPR / KVKK.

Instant technical support is provided to your candidates throughout the process.

How to use HRPeak Online Presentation

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